I think maths is a tricky subject to 'revise', as it's a subject that requires a lot more working out and problem solving than sciences, English and other content-based subjects.
Personally I don't make notes for the whole specification in maths as I don't think that benefits me, so here are the other revision methods that I use:
1. Understand the content - it can be difficult to learn content for maths out of a text book so I would recommend to utilise your teachers and get them to go over anything you don’t understand.
2. If you are not understanding your teachers, look for online videos- I use exam solutions for videos (I think they also do GCSE) and there’s other sites called Mr Barton’s maths, and I believe @snaprevisehave started to do maths too!
3. Get summary worksheets, if you type in ‘AQA a level core notes’ (or whatever your course is) on google, it’s likely that there will be summary sheets with key points to know- I usually get mine from maths box. 4. Know which formulas you get given and which you need to learn- to learn formulas, I’d recommend putting them all on a poster and sticking it up, and have them on flash cards too- and make sure you know units! If there’s a formula that requires units this can often carry a mark. Go over formulas each day for a few minutes to make sure they are in your long-term memory. 5. Do past papers and mark them STRICTLY, there’s no point giving yourself marks if you wouldn’t have got them in the exam, also don’t look at the mark scheme halfway through the paper as you wouldn’t be able to do this in the real thing! - also don’t be too strict on time at first, but closer to exams make sure you are doing papers and checking them in timed conditions like it will be in the exam. 6. If you don’t do as well as you’d have liked on a paper, repeat it again in a few days, you will probably remember some answers but it will help you to put methods into your long-term memory if you repeat it (be sure to wait a few days though, otherwise you are only transferring information from your short-term memory)!
I hope this is helpful.
Jasmine x