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Meet the face
behind the posts

I created my Instagram account in January 2018 to document my own progress as a form of self-motivation, but was amazed to how many inspiring people I got to connect with and how quickly my account has grown! I'm currently studying at medical school and earlier this year I completed my A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry and Maths (A*A*A*).

I am currently partway through my 3rd year of medical school. I am loving it so far and I can't wait to see what the future brings. 

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My blog consists of study tips alongside lifestyle posts (university life, health etc) as well as tips on coping with hard situations during school/exam season. I had to deal with some hard situations during my exam years and my experiences have really taught me to appreciate every single day and I think they have really made me more able to adapt to unexpected situations!


​In 2014 my Mum was diagnosed with cancer and it was a complete shock to our family and there was so much worry and uncertainty to what would happen next. My Mum and I have always been super close as it has always just been the two of us at home and, since the day of her diagnosis, we have appreciated every day together and learned to value our health so much more. 4 years later and after a double mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and a year of Herceptin (an injection to target the specific type of cancer), my beautiful Mum is doing amazingly and has been so strong to deal with this awful illness and completely transformed her diet and lifestyle for the better and I couldn't be more proud! It taught me to cope with uncertainty and put all of the small problems into perspective. This was also a huge event in my life that made me want to study medicine even more as I got to see how much the single act of a doctor has a huge impact on not only the patient, but their family and close friends too ❤


Approaching my GCSE exams in 2016, my beautiful Nana was suffering with metastasised cancer and unfortunately passed away 2 days before my first exam. Of course, it was a devastating time for me and my family and I'm sure anyone who has been in a similar situation can appreciate how awful it is to lose somebody so close to you. I miss my Nana every day but I know she would be so proud of everything I have achieved in the last 2 years, and I plan to continue making her proud!​


These situations have definitely taught me the importance of resilience and coping strategies, and believe it has changed my mindset when dealing with problems, which I know will benefit me in the incredibly exciting, but also tough and stressful, career of medicine.

Contact me

Instagram: studyingwithjasmine

Email (for business enquiries):

I am proud to say that I have worked with the following companies:

  • Ryman

  • Poundland

  • Wilko 

  • BrainZyme 

  • Coconut Lane

  • Tailored Tutors 

  • Picmonic 

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