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How to structure a full day of revision

Structuring a full day of revision is important to ensure that you work productively and don't waste any time thinking "now what should I revise?"! 1. Make a to do list! If I’m revising on a weekend I’ll have a pretty long to do list to do over both days, I often use my text books and the specification to make my revision to do lists. 2. I don’t tend to work to timetables, but occasionally I will in holidays to help structure my day. Timetables can be good but can make you rush tasks if you’re running behind. ​

3. Know when you want to start revising, but make sure to be realistic (give time to properly wake up, eat breakfast, get dressed), I get up around 9am on a weekend and start work around 10am. Know what time you want to start revising and stick to it, otherwise you may procrastinate with other things! 4. If you have written down a topic to revise, know exactly what you need to do. By this, I mean do you want to review notes, review flashcards, do questions, watch videos? Be specific with your to do lists so you don’t waste time thinking about these things! Personally, I will revise a topic based on my notes and flash cards, watch videos if I need more understanding and then do around 50 marks worth (this varies a lot) of past paper questions on that topic, and then mark them. 5. For break times and for lunch, I’d suggest going away from your workspace. I only eat lunch at my desk if I’m in a rush to get something done! 6. Break ideas are exercise (even just stretching can be a good option), playing with a pet, watching youtube videos (study youtubers can help with motivation) and clearing your workspace! 7. Review your to do list - tick things off what and be aware of what you still have to do. However, don’t rush tasks for the sake of ticking them off, make sure they are properly done! 8. Be mindful of your time throughout the day- it’s easy to waste time if you feel you’ve done a bit of work already! I’d recommend the Forest app for this.

9. Long term, It’s good to have a list of all topics to work through and to break up into workable to do lists. 10. Lastly, find a balance. If you’ve been productive all day, take the night off! This will also give you more of an incentive to work well in the day 💖 I really hope these tips have given you some ideas for structuring a full day of revision- after I have had a 'successful' revision day I always feel so proud in the evenings and take a bit of time off to treat myself and unwind! x


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  • Poundland

  • Wilko 

  • BrainZyme 

  • Coconut Lane

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