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Preparing yourself for results day

Today is the 15th of August 2018, which means that tomorrow is A-Level Results Day. For those of you who don't know, I have completed my A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry and Maths and I need AAA to meet my offer to study medicine. There's no other course I would do instead so I have been so nervous in the lead up to results day. I hadn't planned to make this post today but I thought it would benefit me to sit down at my desk (which is completely empty as I'm moving house on Saturday!), and write this post. I hope this can help some of you who are waiting for A-Level, GCSE, or any other results in the next few weeks. Here are some things for us all to think about: What is the WORST that could happen? Yes, the thought of the 'worst' happening on Result's Day is terrifying. BUT, in perspective, it's really not that bad. If you missed your university offer by a couple of marks, or you didn't achieve anywhere near what you wanted to, it is bound to be upsetting. But, it's important to be so grateful for the other amazing things in your life. You had the chance to complete your exams, which means that you were fortunate enough to have an education, not everyone can say that. Think about all the things you are grateful for. Your education, your health, your families health, your friends, your pets, your home, your life. I remember when it was completely undetermined whether my beautiful mum was going to survive her aggressive cancer more than a few years. We used to worry the worst and during that difficult time, little problems seemed completely irrelevant. Now, 4 years on, my mum is alive and thriving and I am grateful for this every single day. My point is to put everything into perspective. I need to remind myself to not get upset about little problems that do have a possible solution, as life is just too short. Yes, exam results are important and can lead you onto different things in your life, but they are just a stepping stone to those different things. There are always other paths. If I didn't meet my offer for medicine, I would take a year out to resit any necessary exams and apply again. Other people may search for a completely different course in clearing, complete a similar course before doing a 'graduate entry' course, search for other opportunities abroad, or even change their mind onto an apprenticeship or employment. All of these different options do sound scary, but they are all possible, and you will eventually get to where you need to be. You are YOUNG. ​Most of you reading this post will be 18 or under, which means you have your whole life ahead of you. Whatever you end up doing as your career or long-term jobs, you will be doing for the majority of your adult life. If you had to take a year or 2 out to resit exams, or if you chose to do a different degree as a stepping stone, or if you chose to take a gap year just to consider your options, that is such a tiny amount of time in your whole life. 10 years down the line, a years delay won't matter at all. If anything, it's more likely you will remember it as a positive event in your life. Think of it as a year to extend your childhood, to meet new people, and have new experiences. If you do achieve the grades you want this year, that is amazing! I feel like I'm talking negatively in this blog post so far, but honestly it helps me if I consider the worst options, otherwise I wouldn't be at all prepared if I didn't meet my university offer. Whether you take a gap year, don't take a gap year, do a different degree or not, you will be successful as long as you continue to work hard and strive towards your goals, and you will look back in 50 years time and be proud of everything you have achieved. You will get the grades you need to get to get where you are meant to be. ​This was from Unjaded Jade's recent video about results day- I definitely recommend that you go and watch this as she recorded the video for herself to watch back just before results day. I love this point that she made, the idea is that different grades will get you to different places, but the place that you end up at is where you were supposed to end up. You will meet different people, have different job opportunities, and perhaps you will be more successful in a different job than you would have been if you got the grades that you wanted. Try and trust that everything will fall into place, whatever path you take. Keep an open mind and never limit yourself to one single option. Later in life, your GCSE or A-Level results aren't going to be at the front of your mind In a few years, no one is going to ask you what you got in your GCSE's or A-Levels. You won't go to bed at night thinking about the grades in your envelope in 2018. It may seem the biggest thing on your mind right now, but it won't be forever. Whether you achieve the grades you want or not, you will be lead down a successful path and your grades won't matter as much any more. Idea's for things to do before results day to take your mind of it (I know this is a bit of a late post for A-Level students, but hopefully it will be a benefit to GCSE students receiving their results next week!):

  • Make tea for your family, follow a recipe you've never tried before

  • Go for a walk/run, maybe down a route you haven't been before (but stay safe, of course!)

  • Make a fruit smoothie

  • Read a book

  • Have a bubble bath with candles lit and music playing

  • Watch Youtube videos that aren't linked to studying

  • Follow a guided meditation on Youtube

  • Make a scrapbook, print out pictures of your favourite memories and stick them all in a book together

Sorry if this post has been a bit rambly, but I hope that at least one of my points can help you feel slightly better about results day, it has definitely helped me to write it.. now I just need to take more of my own advice! I genuinely hope that you all achieve the grades that you have worked for, and that you manage to stay somewhat calm in the lead up to Results Morning. I'd love to hear how you get on, my DM's are always open on Instagram, studyingwithjasmine. BEST OF LUCK! xx


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Instagram: studyingwithjasmine

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I am proud to say that I have worked with the following companies:

  • Ryman

  • Poundland

  • Wilko 

  • BrainZyme 

  • Coconut Lane

  • Tailored Tutors 

  • Picmonic 

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