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BrainZyme review

Description of BrainZyme BrainZyme is a company that sell different types of supplements (with slightly differing effects for different purposes). They are food supplements with a variety of beneficial ingredients that help increase energy levels and help you to stay focused when completing tasks. I have tried the ‘BrainZyme Professional’ capsules and these are designed to boost motivation and concentration. Click here to browse the different products offered by BrainZyme. This is an affiliate link which means that I get a small percentage of each purchase made. This post explains more about the supplements and my experience using them!

Ingredients You can find the full ingredients list of each supplement over on the BrainZyme website but I was really impressed by some of the active ingredients, so I thought I’d mention them here. There are many active ingredients in the BrainZyme capsules including Matcha Green Tea blend, Gingko Leaf Extract and Choline. Many of these ingredients assist in boosting energy levels and concentration. It’s really interesting to research the ingredients and find out the specific effects they have on the brain and the body. For example, choline is used to make acetylcholine which is important in regulating different brain processes that link to cognition. The capsules contain natural ingredients and they are vegan friendly too! They are also gluten free, gelatin free, allergen free and cruelty free! How to take them (this information is all taken from the leaflet that came with my BrainZyme supplements) BrainZyme suggests that you take 1-2 capsules if you are under 60kg, and 2-3 capsules if you are over 60kg. I have just been taking 1 capsule with a glass of water and I have found this helps me to feel more alert and focused. When I am working under pressure (i.e. when I have a lot of work to complete in a short time, or coming up to exams), I will take 2 capsules to give a stronger effect. The company recommends starting with a low dose and increase it if you need a stronger effect as everyone’s metabolism is different. You should not exceed 6 capsules per day though!

My experience I have found the effects of BrainZyme to be subtle yet effective. The information pack states that it takes around 45-60 minutes for them to work and I’d say this was about right. Even when I have just taken 1 capsule, I find that my energy levels are raised and I feel more motivated to get things done. I stayed focused for longer without feeling the need for a break, and got things done more efficiently. Of course, these supplements may work differently for everyone (depending on many different factors!) but I do think they are beneficial and they are good value for money. Thank you so much to BrainZyme for gifting me these supplements, I will definitely continue to use them 😊 Click on this link (or copy and paste it into your browser) to browse the different products available, to see more information and ingredients and to read reviews from other people who have tried them! This is an affiliate link which means that I get a small percentage of each purchase made.


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I am proud to say that I have worked with the following companies:

  • Ryman

  • Poundland

  • Wilko 

  • BrainZyme 

  • Coconut Lane

  • Tailored Tutors 

  • Picmonic 

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