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How to start a studygram

I started my Instagram account at the beginning of 2018 to document my progress through A-Level revision and never expected my account would have grown so much! I’ve had some questions about how to grow your account and what content to post so I thought I’d share some tips! It’s not about the numbers (followers, likes etc) at all, I simply enjoy posting on here and on my Instagram to share tips and document my med school journey, but it’s great when your posts can reach so many people 😊

DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT TO POST Before starting your Instagram or even if you just want to change it up a bit, have a think about what sort of pictures you want to post. I like to post study/desk photos on my main feed and then share lifestyle posts on my story! Don’t feel like you have to limit yourself to one kind of post, and just post whatever you enjoy, but have a clear idea of what kind of content you’d like to share and who you’re aiming it at! Ideas of what to post on a studygram:

  1. Notes – I love seeing peoples notes photos, even if they don’t study the same subject as me! Whether your notes are perfectly photogenic or the complete opposite, I think they can always make a nice photo and shows your followers what you are studying and how you make your notes

  2. Desk photos – if you have a desk that you work at, this can make great photos with minimal effort! I like to see peoples work-spaces for inspiration, and it’s easy just to take a quick photo of your set up

  3. Lifestyle photos – even if you want to have an account based on work/notes/revision etc, I think it’s great to post some lifestyle posts too so your followers can see what else you get up to! This might be fitness, meals or even just showing what you get up to outside of work

  4. Study tips – I love sharing study tips to help inspire other people and I love trying out new things too!

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  1. Aviary – I just use this for basic things like brightness and saturation

  2. Snapseed- this is a great app because you can edit just small portions of the photo at once. For example, if there was a small dark patch that needed brightening but you didn’t want to brighten the whole photo, you could just edit that part 😊

  3. Moldiv – I use Moldiv to add text to my photos for when I post study tips! Many accounts don’t put text on their photos at all, but if you choose to then this is a great app. If you wanted to watermark your photos this would be a good option too!

  4. VSCO cam – I don’t tend to use this on my studygram photos but I use it for my personal Instagram sometimes and there are some really nice filters

  5. Instagram – sometimes I just use the Instagram app to edit too! I don’t use the filters here but if I just want to brighten the photo a bit more or edit the saturation, this works well

I hope this helped some of you! I would try not to think too much about making your Instagram account perfect or gaining followers, just use it as a way to connect with others and motivate yourself, and the right people will eventually find your account and help it to grow! Best of luck 😊 Jasmine x


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Instagram: studyingwithjasmine

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I am proud to say that I have worked with the following companies:

  • Ryman

  • Poundland

  • Wilko 

  • BrainZyme 

  • Coconut Lane

  • Tailored Tutors 

  • Picmonic 

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